UN unites flagpoles with blue streamers – I hope to see this headline someday
This is the image I want to see, the headline I want to read… the story of the United Nations topping its flagpoles with sky-blue ribbons at UN headquarters in New York, unifying the staunch carriers of the iconic display of flags known and revered worldwide. The UN uses its membership-only model to encourage worldwide change for peace, human rights and justice. When they tie a blue ribbon to the top of every flagpole, I will know they understand the bigger picture. They will be demonstrating the understanding that motivation for positive change isn’t limited to regulation, oversight and enforcement; that there are other appeals – that of belonging – unconditionally – that also can make a difference in helping expand a collective perspective and contribute to peace, human rights and justice. And that the UN would choose the International Day of Peace to unveil a new flagpole protocol… I’ll let them know about this, surely they’d be interested.